Granthis are related to human development
The awakening, or development of the human individual is, according to the yogis of old, a process of lifetimes. At the heart of the development of every individual are the chakras. At the heart of three chakras are knots of prana which are like a puzzle which has to be solved, in order for the behaviour in that chakra to be developed to its fullest. Through each and every incarnation, circumstance and experience, the process of personal development is slowly awakened through the chakras. One step forward and three back. And vice versa.
There are seven commonly known chakras, known as mooladhara, swadhistana, manipura, anahata, vishuddhi, ajna and sahasrara. The latter is not one chakra, but the combined effect of the former six.
The chakras contain a specific range of behaviours, and each of those behaviours are aspected from negative to totally positive.
The behaviours awakened in mooladhara are related to being secure in who you are, trusting yourself, being earthed, balanced and grounded. Includes negative to positive.
The behaviours awakened in swadhistana are related to gratification, becoming filled with joyousness, being flexible and able to go with the flow, transcending addiction. Includes negative to positive.
The behaviours awakened in manipura are related to inner strength, integrity, nobility, powerful health, will-power for self and others. Includes negative to positive.
The behaviours awakened in anahata are related to affection, compassion, love, kindness and gentleness. Includes negative to positive.
The behaviours awakened in vishuddhi are related to connection with others, being able to 'hear' them being able to 'listen'. It is where inspiration generates inner change and inner refinement. Includes negative to positive behaviours.
The behaviours awakened in ajna are related to wisdom - especially intuitive wisdom. Includes negative to positive behaviours.
The three granthis are Brahma, Vishnu & Rudra
The effect of brahma granthi, because it is in mooladhara chakra and related to security, is to make it extremely difficult for an individual to become wholly secure in themselves. A developed individual can feel secure when things are going well - however to feel wholly secure in who you are as a being, is very difficult when things are not going so well. One small blip, can reduce ones sense of security, in a moment! The brahma granthi is thought of as a knot of prana that must be unravelled, with meticulous attention to remaining in the state of self-security ... make that Self security. With a capital S.
Only being established in constant communion with the Inner Self will the individuals security be so established that it can be sustained through all kinds of potentially eroding circumstances. The longer the sense of security is sustained, the more the brahma granthi unravels. Focusing on this is known as Karma Yoga. One who actually achieves it is known as a karma yogi.
The effect of vishnu granthi, because it is in anahata chakra and related to love, is to make it extremely difficult for an individual to become wholly loving.
A developed individual might feel loving when things are going their way -
however to feel wholly loving is very
difficult when things are not. In a moment love can fly out the door, the heart hardening, or tightening! The vishnu granthi is also a knot of prana that must be unravelled, with meticulous attention to
remaining in the state of love. The kind of love I am talking about is affection-without-borders, compassion-without-borders, love-without-borders. Not many of us aspire to this, very few have achieved it. We seem to like keeping a little compartment for those we cannot forgive, etc, etc.
being established in constant communion with Love-without-Borders will the individual be sustained through all kinds of
potentially affection-eroding circumstances. The longer the sense of love is
sustained, the more the vishnu granthi unravels. Focusing on this is known as Bhakti Yoga. One who actually achieves it is known as a bhakta.
The effect of rudra granthi, because it is in ajna chakra and related to intuitive wisdom, is to make it extremely difficult for an individual to become wholly wise.
A developed individual might feel wise when things are comfortable and they do not have to second-guess themselves -
however to feel wholly wise is very
difficult when life is uncomfortable. Many spiritual seekers put themselves in uncomfortable places in order to transcend a wobbly mind in difficult situations. Powerful defeat may be felt, accompanied by a sense of howling in the mind. The rudra granthi too, is a coiled knot
of prana which must be unravelled, uncoiled, with meticulous attention to
remaining in the state of wise intuition. Not many aspire to this, very few have
achieved it. In the process of trying to achieve it the ego asserts itself, a natural part of the process, but one which makes it difficult to get rudra granthi fully uncoiled.
being established in constant communion with the Self, through all kinds of
potentially wisdom-eroding circumstances, will uncoil rudra granthi. Focusing on this is known as JnanaYoga. One who actually achieves it is known as a jnani.
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